Mepitel Film 6cm x 7cm

Wound Care
SKU: 296100
Mepitel® Film is designed to protect fragile and sensitive skin and minimise risk of skin breakdown . You can use this gentle breathable film as an only dressing or in combination with other products. Our thin Mepitel Film design is very conformable and adapts well to surface irregularities and different body contours. It provides a flexible transparent covering, to protect your patient's skin or wound from microbial contamination, fluid strikethrough, or other external contamination. The instant tack avoids the need for extra fixation – thanks to Safetac® – the original less-pain contact layer with silicone adhesion. With Safetac, you can remove it easily without damaging the skin . That means less pain for your patients . Mepitel Film can be used as a landing zone for aggressive tapes, allowing devices to be secured to the patients’ skin, without causing damage or pain at removal . You can also use Mepitel Film to significantly reduce the radiotherapy-induced skin damage after radio-therapy treatment of breast cancer. In a recent randomised controlled trial, the severity of the skin reaction was reduced by more than 90% . Protects fragile and sensitive skin Minimises risk of skin breakdown Transparent for easy inspection Conforms well to different body contours When to use Mepitel Film Mepitel Film is designed to protect fragile and sensitive skin and minimise risk of skin breakdown. It can be used as a secondary dressing, fixating e.g. gauze or non-woven swabs, or as a landing zone for aggressive tapes to secure devices to skin. It can be used as a secondary protective dressing over IV sites when the IV device is secured through adhesive tape or sutures. 10 per package

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