Sensura Flex Baseplate

Coloplast Flange
SKU: 10106
SenSura Flex is a two-piece adhesive coupling system that combines the unique SenSura double-layer adhesive with a secure and flexible coupling. SenSura Flex is a two-piece appliance with adhesive coupling, providing the benefits of a one-piece – the unique combination of security and flexibility. The pouch is fixed securely to the SenSura double-layer adhesive baseplate by a strong adhesive coupling system. The adhesive coupling is flexible, allowing freedom of movement and making SenSura Flex comfortable and discreet to wear. The pouch can be removed from the SenSura double-layer baseplate, allowing the pouch to be changed more often than the adhesive baseplate. SenSura Flex baseplates are available in Convex Light. The oval shape of the Convex Light baseplate is designed to help a stoma that is difficult to manage, for example a stoma that is flush, retracted, or located in a skin fold. It applies light and directed pressure on the peristomal skin to reduce the risk of leakage by allowing the stoma to protrude. Ask your enterostomal therapy nurse for more information about Convex Light. SenSura® Flex Baseplate 10106 Extended wear 10-68mm Cut-to-Fit Non-Convex No belt tab 70mm 10 per package

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