Sensura One Piece Drainable Pouch

Coloplast Drainable Pouch
SKU: 15524
SenSura 1-piece drainable combines the unique SenSura double-layer adhesive with a comfortable and discreet pouch for maximum security and discretion. With SenSura 1-piece drainable, the SenSura double-layer adhesive is permanently fixed to the pouch. The whole system is removed and replaced to change the pouch. SenSura 1-piece drainable is available with flat or convex baseplates. The broad assortment consists of various pre-cut or cut-to-fit hole sizes which can be customized, and transparent or opaque pouches in a variety of sizes. SenSura 1-piece drainable is available with Convex Light. The oval shape of the Convex Light wafer is designed to help a stoma that is difficult to manage, for example a stoma that is flush, retracted, or located in a skin fold. It applies light and directed pressure on the peristomal skin to reduce the risk of leakage by allowing the stoma to protrude. Ask your enterostomal therapy nurse for more information about Convex Light. SenSura 1-Piece Drainable Pouch 15524 Standard adhesive Maxi 30cm (12") Precut to 35mmt Non-Convex Transparent Filtered Wide closure 10 per package

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