Sensura One Piece High Output Pouch

Coloplast Urostomy Pouch
SKU: 19003
SenSura 1-piece Drainable combines the unique SenSura double-layer adhesive with a soft outlet and inspection window, ensuring a smooth transition to self-managed care. In the post-operative stage, it can be important to be able to inspect the stoma without removing the appliance, just as it can be important to be able to connect the ostomy pouch to a night bag. SenSura 1-piece Drainable combines the SenSura double-layer adhesive with a range of features, offering the discretion of a standard pouch and ensuring a smooth transition to self-managed care: Soft outlet - effective drainage through a soft outlet, which connects easily to different night bags. Easy to monitor the stoma through inspection window. Available sterile and non-sterile, without filter. The unique SenSura adhesive has two layers, designed to deliver the security needed to live everyday with confidence: Protection layer - protects the skin from stoma output Skin care layer - keeps skin healthy by absorbing excess moisture SenSura® 1-Piece High Output 19003 Standard adhesive 10-76mm Cut-to-Fit Non-Convex No belt tabs No filter 6 per package 630 mL non sterile

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